Baned for fraudulent activity involving gathering of referrer bonus from alts. responsible: MRI, Unknwon Entity, H, CrazyMike Little Nicky - Online Profile

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Little Nicky
Player ID: 180421
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 24
Energetic immunity : 20
Trade sense : 12
Briskness : 28
Initiative : 18
Defence : 16
Attack : 23
Power : 6
Luck : 2
Principle of Enthropy = 111
Principle of Cyclicity = 95
Principle of Balance = 103
Principle of Syntropy = 81
Principle of Imagination = 31
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Battle stats
Won: 121 | Lost: 6
Honor: 692
MindPower: 5
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Some of my creatures
Elite Lorerootian Archer Pimped Grasan

Page 104 - Golemus Wizard quest - Ak.
Outside is sunny, the storm is over. Akasha feels a strange addiction to the principles she writes, is as if something is making her unusualy motivated to continue her work. The wizard that initialy sent her to get the book does not represent a main concern for her anymore, however she plans to visit him on the way back, maybe becoming an adept of him was not such a bad ideea afterall. As she thinks this she notices that the wizards home is not so far away and heads towards it. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it

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